APNIC IPv6 transit exchange

Andrew Ruthven andrew.ruthven at catalyst.net.nz
Thu Nov 29 20:06:07 CET 2007

A little bit of input from New Zealand...

On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 15:41 +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> The big point is that various transit providers (and last time I checked
> a RIR is not in that business also) already provide the ability to
> tunnel to them and setup transit in that way.

The issue we have is that transit providers that offer tunnel services
are far away.  With Sprintv6 the closest I can get is ~160 ms away.

While there are some network providers in NZ that are starting to play
with IPv6 they all have tunnels back to the same people that I do.

> The big problem with New Zealand/Australia from what I understand is
> simply that it is very expensive to get transit at all, both IPv4 and
> IPv6. Spending money then on IPv6 transit is a nogo. Only real way to
> solve that is to first make how peering works downunder completely
> different, in a way that the local ISP's exchange traffic 'freely' and
> the second step would have some big fat pipes to the rest of the world
> and lowering transit costs. Costly indeed ;(

We do have a IPv6 peering exchange in New Zealand - called v6ix[0], in
both Wellington and Auckland.  Anyone who can get access to what is
called the WIX[1] or APE[2] can peer on it.  They don't have to be
directly connected, tunnels are allowed.  Of course our two largest ISPs
don't peer, but that is a discussion for another time and place.

However, I'm currently seeing only 18 routes from our v6ix, with only
8 /32s (and one is a customer of mine).  As you can tell there isn't
that much interest in it...

I've also had no one within NZ contact me about peering directly.

> But, I am looking from the other side of the planet where we have rather
> great connectivity thus I might be quite biased and also totally unaware
> of whatever other factors are in play down under :(

The biggest problem down here is a lack of customers demanding it...


[0] http://v6ix.nzix.net/
[1] Wellington Internet Exchange - http://ape.nzix.net/
[2] Auckland Peering Exchange - http://wix.nzix.net/

Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
At work: andrew.ruthven at catalyst.net.nz
At home: andrew at etc.gen.nz
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