6to4 relay routers

David Meyer dmm at 1-4-5.net
Sun Jul 31 11:00:57 CEST 2005

On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 04:35:25PM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> On 27 Jul 2005, at 14:55, Michael H Lambert wrote:
> >--On 27 July 2005 21:29:34 +0300 Pekka Savola <pekkas at netcore.fi> 
> >wrote:
> >
> >>I guess what route views sees only minor bearing on what's out there.
> >>
> >>There are at least half a dozen or so publicly advertised relays that
> >>just for some reason don't show on route-views.  And if you look at
> >>Abilene, you see at least four as well.
> >
> >My point was that someone is announcing a /32 instead of the full /24 
> >anycast block (lots of /24 announcements heard on route views).
> There is little consistency in the views that people send route-views. 
> Some people treat route-views as a customer, some as a peer, and some 
> send them an internal view that would never normally be sent to an EBGP 
> peer.

	Brief update on this: We (routeviews) are in the process
	of trying to regularize what routes we're
	carrying. However, the difficulty we've run into is that
	routeviews has quite a few (different) constituencies
	which are asking for different route sets. Of course,
	there are many ways to approach this problem, each with
	its own cost/benefit. 

	In any event, I am interested in which route sets you
	would like to see for (your) operational purposes.


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