6to4 relay routers

Joe Abley jabley at isc.org
Wed Jul 27 22:35:25 CEST 2005

On 27 Jul 2005, at 14:55, Michael H Lambert wrote:

> --On 27 July 2005 21:29:34 +0300 Pekka Savola <pekkas at netcore.fi> 
> wrote:
>> I guess what route views sees only minor bearing on what's out there.
>> There are at least half a dozen or so publicly advertised relays that
>> just for some reason don't show on route-views.  And if you look at
>> Abilene, you see at least four as well.
> My point was that someone is announcing a /32 instead of the full /24 
> anycast block (lots of /24 announcements heard on route views).

There is little consistency in the views that people send route-views. 
Some people treat route-views as a customer, some as a peer, and some 
send them an internal view that would never normally be sent to an EBGP 

Just because it shows up on route-views doesn't mean there's a problem.


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