6to4 relay routers

Gert Doering gert at space.net
Wed Jul 27 23:26:42 CEST 2005


On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 02:15:54PM -0400, Michael H Lambert wrote:
> route-views.oregon-ix.net>show ip bgp
> BGP routing table entry for, version 22599194

Someone is announcing a /32, which is not what people are supposed
to do (and not what other people are supposed to accept...).

That way you won't see the heap of announced /24s...

route-views.oregon-ix.net>sh ip b
BGP routing table entry for, version 22599193
Paths: (50 available, best #6, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
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