RADIUS/IPv6CP bits and pieces for IPv6 subscriber access

Nick Hilliard nick-lists at netability.ie
Fri Oct 24 17:52:37 CEST 2008

Nick Hilliard wrote:
> The difficulty is in dealing with small business and home users, most of
> whom will have no requirement for anything other than a single /64 + /128
> for the gateway.  For this, RA is not going to suffice, and realistically,
> you're going to need to implement dhcpv6 + rfc 3633 prefix delegation.

The recommendation in RFC5072 in Appendix A for customer LAN side
autoconfiguration is to use either RA + Prefix Information option, or else
dhcpv6.  Messy.

Previous note still applies:

> Of
> course, you're also going to need a CPE device which supports this.


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