6BONE shutdown

Mattias.Lignell at teliasonera.com Mattias.Lignell at teliasonera.com
Mon May 8 16:57:42 CEST 2006


I did not attend the RIPE52 my self. However, from what I have been told
is the recommendation, from the IPv6 working group, that transit
providers continue to route IPv6. But, if there still is some 6bone
traffic going on after 060606 should these users be contacted and
recommended to switch to production address space. This is also the way
the TeliaSonera group plan to handle the 6bone traffic. As far as I know
do we, today, hardy have any 6bone traffic going trough our networks. 

///   Mattias

               Mattias Lignell
        TeliaSonera Sweden, IP-Networks

Phone:         +46 8 5045 1068
Mobile:        +46 70 595 9068
Fax:           +46 70 615 6245
Email:         mattias.lignell at teliasonera.com
Address:       Vitsandsgatan 9, House-D, 123 86 Farsta, SWEDEN

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