RA & DHCP problem...

Roger Jørgensen roger at jorgensen.no
Mon Dec 30 13:08:44 CET 2013

On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 10:27:13 +0100, Lorenzo Colitti wrote:
> So - again AIUI - the argument is mostly the usual "DHCPv6 is more 
> suited
> to this network than RAs". This is true, but there are other networks 
> where
> RAs are a better fit than DHCPv6. The question has always been 
> whether we
> should completely duplicate routing configuration functionality into
> DHCPv6, and add support for that into clients, and the answer has
> repeatedly been that there is no consensus to do so.

No consensus because there has _always_ been a group of people that 
down any idea that move in any direction where RAs are not the sole 
of defaultroute.

I know, I've always been against the idea but well, it's sickening how 
we've all gone in this train of thought right now.

What is wrong with having a _choice_ if you want to ha RAs+OTHER just
OTHER? Right now it's DHCPv6 that are OTHER, but someone mention 
here in another mail?


Roger Jorgensen      | - ROJO9-RIPE
roger at jorgensen.no   | - The Future is IPv6

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