Webstats gathering

Steve Bertrand steve at ibctech.ca
Sat Apr 10 00:55:08 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I'm looking for a recommendation on software, technique or a combination
of both to extract data from a couple of years of web logs.

Specifically, a successful combination must be able to do two things:
read from a cronolog system, and identify IPv4 and IPv6 traffic separately.

Here is how Apache is configured (I apologize for the wrap):

<VirtualHost ipv6canada.com:80>
    ServerAdmin admin at ibctech.ca
    DocumentRoot /web/blog
    ServerName www.ipv6canada.com
     CustomLog "|/usr/local/sbin/cronolog
/var/log/www/%Y/%m/%d/ipv6canada.com-access.log" common
     ErrorLog  "|/usr/local/sbin/cronolog

I'm absolutely willing to perform some automated concat operations if
necessary, but I'm curious as to whether there is a more elegant way
that others are using.

No stats have ever been gathered from these logs before.



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