Dealing with filtered 6to4 clients

Jeroen Massar jeroen at
Tue Oct 27 12:48:20 CET 2009

Tore Anderson wrote:
> * Martin List-Petersen
>> Why would 6to4 be preferred over native IPv4 here ? That's not the
>> behaviour intended.
> It's a bug/feature of the Opera web browser.  I believe it will prefer
> Teredo over IPv4, too.

Two possible fixes:
 - get Opera to stop deciding what the network should behave like
   and explain them that getaddrinfo() and more specifically RFC3484
   exist for a reason and that the OS definitely know more than they do

 - get Microsoft to include a connectivity test inside their stacks.
   (which, partially, is there for Vista/Seven)

Both require people to upgrade stuff, the first requires less people to
upgrade, the latter would fix other issues.


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