Ipv6 Routing (from hell)

Carlos Friacas cfriacas at fccn.pt
Fri Mar 28 08:35:58 CET 2008

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Steve Bertrand wrote:

> We are a small ISP in southern Ontario Canada, and even with our 100Mbps LANx 
> connection, can not get native IPv6 from our upstream. The temporary solution 
> for the el-cheapos (as you put it) is obviously tunneling, but the real fix 
> and long term solution is a massive collective vocal "we want IPv6!!" by all 
> of the DSL consumers to their ISPs.


I strongly disagree with this view that regular Internet end-users need to 
ask their ISPs for IPv6 as a "feature". The lack of address space is an 
ISP issue, or at a broader scope a network admin issue.
A company with +-100 people, and several branch offices usually has 
someone to take care of the network, or at least take care of its 
computer infrastructure. That person should, YES, make some pressure to 
get IPv6 addressing from its ISP, but the regular Joe, at home, simply 
doesn't have that kind of ability to drive any ISP into deploying IPv6.

Best Regards,

Carlos Friac,as                                            See:
Wide Area Network Working Group (WAN)                      www.gigapix.pt
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional      www.ipv6.eu
Av. do Brasil, n.101                                       www.6diss.org
1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal, Europe                          www.geant2.net
Tel: +351 218440100 Fax: +351 218472167
           The end is near........ see http://ipv4.potaroo.net
"Internet is just routes (241744/992), naming (billions) and... people!"

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