6to4 borkeness (Was: Google and IPv6)

S.P.Zeidler spz at serpens.de
Wed Mar 19 22:05:23 CET 2008

Thus wrote Tim (tim-projects at sentinelchicken.org):

> [...], but going from native v6
> to 6to4 in either direction is painful, right?  The only trick would be
> with DNS.  A big organization could advertize 2002 addresses to 2002
> clients, and native addresses to native clients, in the hope that
> usually the HTTP transport would be over a similar address range.
> Probably wouldn't work in a lot of cases, but it might reduce the
> percentage of cross over traffic.

When I was with AS1273 I'd planned / suggested half a 6to4 gateway (ie only
the 2002:: part, announced/routed only to customers) to make customers' v6
enabled services perform better from 6to4 addresses. Alas, time ran out
before it was implemented, but maybe the idea is of value to others.

spz at serpens.de (S.P.Zeidler)

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