Google and IPv6

David Malone dwmalone at
Wed Mar 19 10:56:04 CET 2008

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 12:50:41PM -0500, Kevin Day wrote:
> If I had to guess, it would be due to Vista adoption.
> Vista is bringing more users trying to use v6, and seems to have a  
> higher success rate than previous operating systems. At least when in  
> the hands of people who don't even know they're running v6.

I looked at some data from, just looking at client
addresses in the HTTP log files. The write-up is at:

I did see increasing use of ISATAP, which I initially guessed was
Vista. However, when I checked the user-agent strings, that didn't
seem to be the case, which suprised me. Do you have user-agent
strings that you could check against?


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