FW: IPv6 stumble

Kevin Loch kloch at kl.net
Wed Apr 30 19:34:40 CEST 2008

Glenn Tapley (gtapley) wrote:
> However so many end customers have been directly 
> assigned  address that routing in the IPv6 bone has become flat (one of 
> the big problems with the IPv4 bone). 

No changes were made to routing architecture for IPv6 so
it is not surprising that it looks alot like IPv4 with
bigger addresses.

> The engineer indicated he is 
> working on a project to redefine the IPv6 format to include a 
> orginization ID to address this problem. Anyone else heard anything 
> about this?

Have him join the RRG mailing list, that seems to be one place
where routing architecture changes are being discussed.

- Kevin

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