FW: IPv6 stumble

Brandon Butterworth brandon at bogons.net
Wed Apr 30 17:52:12 CEST 2008

> > Shared a cab from the airport with an engineer.  He said the IPv6 has
> > just run into its first big stumble.  As you know one of IPv6's claim to
> > fame is that addresses would be handed down from ISPs to the customers.

That stumble was run into way back, it was decided to stay with
hierarchy when people wanted independence. That's one reason people
decided not to bother, the one thing they would have moved to v6
to get isn't available (no point rehashing the reasons and perceptions.
google has lots of it)

> > This would make address summarization and therefore route
> > summarization easier.

People will force it flat if they can, they don't care if it
wasn't designed for that they just say tough should have done
it properly when you could.


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