
Mohacsi Janos mohacsi at
Mon Apr 16 09:51:45 CEST 2007

On Sat, 14 Apr 2007, Jeroen Massar wrote:

> Max Tulyev wrote:
>> Hi All!
>> Is there any good reading about multicasting over IPv6?
>> I'm looking for something can be used for IPTV broadcasting, without
>> huge modifications of existing network (linux routers, IGMP ready
>> switches). What software can be used for IPv6 Multicast routing?
> JunOS and IOS are apparently capable of doing that.
> But if you only want to stay in software space, for Linux/BSD there is
> ecmh & mrd6 which can help you out. XORP might by now also be capable of
> doing some tricks. For the rest check and spam
> their mailinglist, there are a lot of IPv6 Multicast clued people there
> who definitely can help you out, also to get connectivity.

I recommend also the people at m6bone - especially the mailing list. If 
you want to read more have a loot at:

There were several multicast related deliverable in the 6NET project. Most 
of the content is still valid.

 	Janos Mohacsi

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