IPv6 content experiment

Carlos Friacas cfriacas at fccn.pt
Mon Apr 9 12:39:06 CEST 2007

On Mon, 9 Apr 2007, Kevin Day wrote:

> My hope is that people will willingly start working with IPv6 before it's too 
> late, rather than being forced into it by IPv4 exhaustion. There are benefits 
> in IPv6 for everyone, and if I can show that it's not going to hurt content 
> providers to start using it, maybe more will.

That's the general trend when promoting IPv6 usage/deployment, yes.
And afaik, the content provider bit is in fact the easiest...

>> My experience says this is a very ugly path... e.g. i've recently seen a 
>> slide from Microsoft about Vista, and teredo is the last resort option for 
>> IPv6-only p2p applications. ISATAP and 6TO4 show up before Teredo...
> I don't believe it's perfect either, but there are many who claim that it's 
> easy for end users to do.

That's a strong misconception... granny X, lawyer Y and bank cashier Z 
will certainly have a hard time setting up a connection to a tunnel 
broker. However, tekkie kids will do it easier... and that's why the 
content involved in the experiment is somewhat a big risk.

> So, by putting some very desirable content up on 
> IPv6 only, and giving links to the current/existing IPv6 HOWTO documents, 
> lets see how many inexperienced users are able to do it? If they do have 
> problems, what can we do to improve it?
> I'm sure there are going to be some users stuck on IPv4 connectivity long 
> after the rest of the world has moved to IPv6. Is it really that simple for a 
> Vista user to access IPv6 only content? If not, why?

Hmmm... that's really an innovative insight...

>> I guess that isn't entirely an original idea... that's also trying to push 
>> the need for IPv6 to the end-user field, when deploying IPv6 should be 
>> mostly an ISP-driven task/requirement/issue...!
> I agree, but I'm trying to respond to the notion that IPv6 is ready for the 
> world to use, it's just a matter of content being put up on it to get the 
> ball rolling. I honestly don't have an opinion either way on that statement, 
> I'd prefer to find out. :)

v6 is ready for ISP deployment and *AFTER* that for seamless usage... the 
first part is a long way of happening, so it's kind of easy to find out 
what will be experienced by end-users.

>>> How many are actually able to get on IPv6 if they want?
>> Bad quality IPv6... everyone with minimum technical skills, imho. It's just 
>> a matter of enabling the OS, and finding a tunnel broker.
> I hope so, but I think you'd be surprised at how difficult it is for a 
> non-technical user to even grasp the concepts.

yes. that's why i wrote "minimum technical skills". apart from that, 
average user joe will have a hard time, and will easily/quickly quit it.

> I'd rank "installing an 
> alternative video codec" far easier than "set up an IPv6 tunnel broker 
> connection", and we've all but given up trying to get our end users to do 
> that.

yep. 110% agree ;-)

...and i'm also interested in seeing what will happen with networks 
providing tunnel brokers, if a sufficient amount of users is in fact able 
to make it. :-)


On Apr 9, 2007, at 4:42 AM, Carlos Friacas wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> Now that i've followed the link...... imho, the type of content 
>involved can possibly generate:
>> - (good) a great amount of data to be analized
>It's about the only thing I can think of that will guarantee a large 
>number of people trying desperately to access it, that isn't only going 
>to cover a subset of the Internet population who probably already knows
> how to configure IPv6.

hope you got the proper copy rights in place for this experiment too, and 
that you can come up with a really good awareness plan for the 
experiment... otherwise you will only get v6 geeks cooperation -- and 
that's not the main goal, is it?

>> - (bad) negative publicity for IPv6 by associating the next generation
>> internet protocol to that *type of content*
>I think the internet as a whole already has that reputation, but I'm 
>of the connotations behind this. :) The end user visible site will go
>through great pains to explain that there's more to IPv6 than that kind 

partly yes, however the (v4) internet also handles a great deal of 
"proper" content -- news, e-commerce, instant messaging, e-mail, and so 

>> It's a courageous experiment... hope there will be also the usual way 
>>of preventing access to certain types of audiences.
>> It also comes to mind that netnanny-type software can also become
>> IPv6-aware following this experiment ;-)))
>I've already tested the "insert specific META tags in the page" method of
>announcing the type of content the page contains, and all the content
>filters I was able to test were fine with blocking it on IPv4 and IPv6. I
>will send a heads-up email to all the major content filtering companies 
>to let them know about this experiment before it launches, so they can do 
>their own testing if they choose to.
>-- Kevin

if the experiment in the end get a bit inconclusive, at least you might 
have helped content filtering software to be v6-aware. and that's 
something positive by itself :-)


Carlos Friac,as                                            See:
Wide Area Network Working Group (WAN)                      www.gigapix.pt
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional      www.ipv6.eu
Av. do Brasil, n.101                                       www.6diss.org
1700-066 Lisboa                                            www.geant2.net
Tel: +351 218440100 Fax: +351 218472167
  The end is near........ see http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4/index.html
  "Internet is just routes (216399/730), naming (billions) and... people!"

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