Ubuntu Linux - Suggestions needed

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Mon Apr 2 21:39:19 CEST 2007

Le lundi 2 avril 2007 22:11, Andrew Alston a écrit :
> Hi Guys,
> In ubuntu linux feisty release IPv6 will officially be disabled by
> default at this point.  That is unless a solution is found within the
> next 48 hours to stop the problem of what they claim as slow
> fallbacks on non-v6 enabled networks.

If it's "only" a problem with criminally broken recursive DNS, I can see 
two solutions:

1/ No AAAA request when there are no non-local non-compat non-link-local 
IPv6 addresses on the host (as discussed in Ubuntu BTS) - MacOS X and 
Vista do this.
http://www.remlab.net/ipv6/getaddrinfo-broken-dns-aaaa.diff might do 
that... but then again, it might not, since I have not had time to test 

2/ Daemon or callback script sending ICMPv6 RA in userland and enable 
IPv6 if available; such a daemon would have to send raw layer-3 packets 
since IPv6 stack is not available.

I would argue anything that involves preventing the IPv6 plugin from 
loading is flawed (such as what Ubuntu does, or such as solution number 
2), since it prevents you from ever moving to/from a "broken DNS" 
network and an IPv6-capable network without rebooting.


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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