James Jun
james at towardex.com
Tue Aug 22 23:45:29 CEST 2006
> I checked with source routing (yes, this still works in IPv6 and it's
> wonderful for debugging!) that the path is symmetrical. My guess is
> that there is an MTU mismatch on the interconnection between GBLX and
> Equinix (probably a tunnel).
Thanks for the insight. I checked the ticket db and I still have a ticket
opened by a user back in 2005 regarding tcp sessions hanging when
downloading from HEAnet, or any other paths going thru OCCAID<->GBLX in
For the time being, I've temporarily rerouted our east-coast traffic with
GBLX to Chicago and Palo Alto interconnects which are not affected by
mtu-mismatch somewhere to my knowledge. The path may be less optimal in
latency-wise but let me know if you can establish a tcp session and transfer
data now.[1]
I'll look more into the old ticket soon to follow up on the mtu mismatch,
but I'm on the road right now at this moment.
As far as OCCAID->Sprint->ARIN path, it appears to be an issue between
Sprint and ARIN, so if someone from ARIN is on this list, may be he could
provide some insight :)
[1]new path:
traceroute6 to ftp.heanet.ie (2001:770:18:aa40::c101:c140) from
2001:4830:100:20::4, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
1 mis.ge-0-2-0.r2.bos.twdx.net (2001:4830:100:20::1) 0.625 ms 0.486 ms
0.225 ms
2 0.ae2-4000m.c1.bos.twdx.net (2001:4830:1ff::193) 0.248 ms 0.260 ms
0.216 ms
3 0.ae5-2000m.c2.bos.twdx.net (2001:4830:1ff:224::226) 0.496 ms 0.351 ms
0.170 ms
4 0.10ge2-0.cr1.bos1.us.occaid.net (2001:4830:e1::1) 0.300 ms 0.300 ms
0.513 ms
5 23.ge0-0.cr1.ord1.us.occaid.net (2001:4830:ff:1300::2) 21.978 ms
21.911 ms 21.608 ms
6 2001:450:1:2000::c (2001:450:1:2000::c) 23.862 ms 23.914 ms 23.988 ms
7 2001:450:2001:1000:0:670:1708:1225 (2001:450:2001:1000:0:670:1708:1225)
133.074 ms 132.837 ms 133.092 ms
8 luna-pos1-0.kil.core.hea.net (2001:770:90:7::1) 144.405 ms 132.365 ms
133.060 ms
9 hyperion-gige5-1.cwt.core.hea.net (2001:770:400:11::1) 133.242 ms
132.881 ms 133.085 ms
10 ar1-cwt-gige6-1.hea.net (2001:770:400:e::2) 133.039 ms 133.041 ms
132.562 ms
11 blanch-sr1-po1.services.hea.net (2001:770:8:31::2) 133.036 ms 133.053
ms 133.009 ms
12 ftp.heanet.ie (2001:770:18:aa40::c101:c140) 133.064 ms 133.501 ms
133.553 ms
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