Cost of IPv6 for IT operations team

BERENGUER Christophe Christophe.BERENGUER at
Fri Mar 27 09:59:13 CET 2015

Thanks everyone for your answers.

We already have raise the point that at some point IPv6 will need to be deploy and the sooner is the better to have time to fix problems and let time for teams to master the technology.

The 20% figure is based on an IETF document and SRI presentation. I think it is not limited to the amount of incident but also the time to duplicate firewall rules, configure all the interfaces, etc. for both v4 and v6.

For the build phase, I agree that it depends on my clients architecture. It has a good overview of it but the impact on application is not clear and hard to estimate.

Thanks again for your answers!

Christophe BERENGUER
Fixe : +33 (0)1 49 03 85 86
christophe.berenguer at
Tour Franklin : 100 - 101 terrasse Boieldieu
92042 Paris La Défense Cedex

De : at < at> de la part de Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm at>
Envoyé : vendredi 27 mars 2015 09:27
À : ipv6-ops at
Objet : Re: Cost of IPv6 for IT operations team

Without a detailed look at the client this kind of question falls in the
realm of my kid's story problems in her mathematics book - pretty
sounding things that are utterly divorced from reality.

I will just say this, however:

If you do NOT deploy IPv6 then yes it will save labor.  Depending on how
disorganized the clients network is, that could be a lot of time or a

But as for operations costs, I would say, zero

The reason is if you don't deploy sooner or later you will have a
problem related to IPv6.  Then you will spends lots of time finding and
correcting.  That time is roughly equal to the extremely small amount
of additional time that the techs deal with IPv6 on a network that has
had it properly setup.


On 3/26/2015 2:04 AM, BERENGUER Christophe wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I work for a consulting firm.
> For a client, I would like to estimate the work overload for IT
> operations team to deploy IPv6 dual stack and for day to day operations.
> On the internet, I have found an estimation around 20% of work overload
> for the run phase. But if you have operational feedback it would be the
> best!
> Thanks in advance for your answers,
> Have a nice day.
> Best regards,
> *Christophe BERENGUER**
> *Consultant
> Fixe : +33 (0)1 49 03 85 86
> christophe.berenguer at <mailto:christophe.berenguer at>
> solucom
> Tour Franklin : 100 - 101 terrasse Boieldieu
> 92042 Paris La Défense Cedex

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