PTR records for IPv6

Jens Link lists at
Wed Sep 4 10:33:28 CEST 2013

Frank Habicht <geier at> writes:

> not for a mail server. do these OSs have an MTA running by default?
> part of proper MTA installation would be to change that default behaviour.

Isn't there a Mac Mini "Server" running OSX? If only seen on once and my
guess would be that most admins don't know and don't care about RAs,
temporary addresses, PTR records, ... Same for admins of small Linux
and Windows setups. 

I think vendors should put some sensible defaults in place, e.g. no
SLAAC, no privacy extensions, no temporary addresses on severs.

| Foelderichstr. 40   | 13595 Berlin, Germany    | +49-151-18721264     |
| | jabber: jenslink at | -------------------  | 

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