A simple test for email via IPv6

Валерий Солдатов v.soldatov at best-telecom.ru
Tue Apr 30 11:25:43 CEST 2013

Hi Thomas,

Records in a maillog show that an answer via IPv6 has been send to you, hope you receive it. Sorry if you did not receive.

With IPv4 you will get an answer about non-existing domain, 
but possibly your local smtp-server placed your email in outgoing queue and tries repeately to deliver it. Maybe you will receive a negative answer from it later. 

Солдатов Валерий, ЗАО Бэст Телеком.

----- Исходное сообщение -----
От: "Thomas Schäfer" <thomas at cis.uni-muenchen.de>
Кому: ipv6-ops at lists.cluenet.de
Отправленные: Вторник, 30 Апрель 2013 г 12:55:06
Тема: Re: A simple test for email via IPv6

I did such tests in too. (without autoresponder and without public 
But the thing is: The "Deutsche Telekom" hasn't still made their homework.
And it comes worse: The second part of your statement is not true.
I get no error message, I get no message at all.
Normal users would think the email was delivered.
May be the Deutsche Telekom is not alone, but that is a bad excuse.

Thomas Schäfer


There’s no place like ::1

Thomas Schäfer (Systemverwaltung)
Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung
Oettingenstraße 67 Raum C109
80538 München ☎ +49/89/2180-9706  ℻ +49/89/2180-9701

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