IPv6 DNS Config Strategies

SM sm at resistor.net
Wed Sep 19 23:57:00 CEST 2012

Hi Tim,
At 14:18 19-09-2012, Tim Densmore wrote:
>I've looked around at how-to docs, and have tinkered enough to get 
>my feet wet, but would really like to have a good strategy for a 
>layout when setting up BIND for v6.  For v4, I have my forwards and 
>reverses cut up into multiple files that cover a /24 each.  This 
>makes for tidy files, and lets me get to what I need to change 
>quickly.  For v6 I can't see doing that for /64s, obviously, or even 
>/48s, unless I just set the files up as I need them.  Reverse gets 
>even more tricky.  I'd prefer to run with origin statements and PTRs 
>of a reasonable string length, but again, do I do this at the /48 
>level?  An origin of /48 still leaves a long string to work with.

I'd suggest doing at the level which maps to your administrative 
boundaries.  I would consider possible future delegations and host density.


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