IPv6 Ignorance

Marco Hogewoning mch-v6ops at xs4all.nl
Tue Sep 18 13:34:28 CEST 2012

>> Because it's on by default?
> Is there some ISP serving IPv6 by default? I mean including the
> residential customer LAN/WLAN?

XS4ALL does (Netherlands) and I think RDS (Romania) also made it the default now, you may have seen Romania pop up in the Google statistics all of a sudden.

<shameless plug>
RDS is presenting at next week's RIPE Meeting, see ripe65.ripe.net for details and remote participation
<\shameless plug>

They promised to show how they managed to push over a million residentials, we also have talks planned from OTE who is planning on doing the same in Greece.

There definitely is some progress being made in terms of defaulting eye balls to IPv6 or more precisely dual stack.


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