Yesterday's Windows update causes IPv4 to be default

Dick Visser visser at
Sat Nov 17 00:07:08 CET 2012

On 16 November 2012 22:31, Bill Owens <owens at> wrote:

> IPv6-only Ubuntu hosts have a similar problem; there are enough IPv6-reachable package mirrors that regular updates work fine

A while ago I hacked together a "name and shame" list for the Ubuntu,
Fedora, and Debian mirrors :)

The Ubuntu list has a nice layout and is grouped by country, so this
makes for interesting information. For example, the majority of the
French mirrors has IPv6. And half of the Dutch ones don't have IPv6...
even worse, two of them are SURFnet-connected universities... so it's
not like they can't get the connectivity or something.

>, but the release-upgrade process requires a connection to a v4-only host. Unfortunately it's hosted by Canonical, not Akamai, so they'll have to v6-enable it themselves (and there's no sign of that happening).

I've banged on their door as well, for instance to fix
(, but
that's almost two years ago and nothing happened :(

Let's hope someone from Canonical is on this list and is able to push
the right buttons...

Dick Visser
System & Networking Engineer
TERENA Secretariat
Singel 468 D, 1017 AW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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