yum IPv6 repos

Sander Steffann sander at steffann.nl
Sun Feb 19 23:41:01 CET 2012


> Some of the bid documents I've seen have included a request IPv6 support, from equipment and software vendors, and from ISPs. However, none have *required* IPv6, and I have not seen evidence of people refusing a lower price or making a change away from their preferred vendor because of IPv6. As a prime example, there's an ISP used by many US universities because they routinely sell bandwidth at around $1/Mbps/mo, and they are well known for having very weak v6 peering (no Hurricane Electric and no Google for starters). Clearly the price is more important than the v6, in that case.
> I would love for it to be different, but so far it isn't. 

Indeed. Let's hope that more organizations will start using the RIPE-501 template to require IPv6 support (yes: shameless plug :-). It's a reasonable set of features to request/require, and the vendors seem to work on actually making sure they can deliver products for RIPE-501-based tenders.

Let's hope we can all push them in the right direction :-)

PS: The successor to RIPE-501 will go to last call soon on the RIPE IPv6 mailing list. The text is finished, and we now need to see that the community supports it, so please speak up there :-)

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