how to create new delegation record for IPV6.

Bjørn Mork bjorn at
Fri Feb 17 14:33:23 CET 2012

Gert Doering <gert at> writes:

> OTOH, the original poster isn't even getting his terminology straight,
> if you look at the question in the Subject: "how to create a new 
> delegation record for IPv6" - as delegation and IPv6 are completely 
> unrelated, it's not exactly clear to me what he's trying to achieve
> (and thus it's a bit hard to tell him which buttons to click).

Exactly.  And that's why I tried to help him by listing which parts of
his original question which were unclear, and by pointing to a document
which describes how to solve that problem and a few others.  But he
obviously did not even bother to read it.

This were among the helpful hints in that document:

  Spelling "you" as "u" makes you look like a semi-literate boob to save
  two entire keystrokes.

If anyone knows how to help someone who is too lazy to write their
question and too lazy to read the answers they get, then please step
forward now.


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