Toward more sensible whitelisting

Nick Hilliard nick at
Tue Jun 14 23:44:08 CEST 2011

On 14/06/2011 00:36, Phil Benchoff wrote:
> The really big content providers are pretty hesitant to add sites to their
> whitelist (if they even have one).

They have been so far, yes.  However ipv6 day should have given them a pile 
of useful telemetry about actual access patterns on the day.  If these data 
indicate that adding AAAA records tends not to cause a lot of disruption, 
then a reasonable medium term goal would be to see an end to whitelisting 
and just provide AAAA records to all.

After all, having AAAA records on content provider sites is actually a very 
early step for ipv6 acceptance.  Getting users to actually use them is a 
much more difficult problem, and getting end-users to the situation where 
they may no longer be fully dependent on ipv4 is way off in the 
unforseeable future.


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