IPv6 PPP/RADIUS and PD on Redback SEOS 6.4.1

David Freedman david.freedman at eu.clara.net
Mon Feb 28 22:56:35 CET 2011

> I'm struggling to get PD to work. My Cisco CPE sends out the Solicits
>over the PPP link but the SE100 doesn't seem to reply. Since my carrier
>doesn't officially support DHCP-PD I'm wondering wether this is because
>of the lack of carrier support or because SEOS lets me down. I suspect
>that sending the SOLICIT to ff02::1:2 directly goes into the dialer
>interface that carries the PPP tunnel and hence the carrier (KPN) doesn't
>even see this and neither would have to formally support this, am I

You are correct, the traffic should be wrapped in IPv6CP which should be
carried over the PPP, not sure what kind of service you have from KPN but
I can't imagine there is one where they would interfere with this?

>On the Cisco:
>035290: Feb 28 21:39:16.739: IPv6 DHCP: Sending SOLICIT to FF02::1:2 on
>035291: Feb 28 21:39:16.739: IPv6 DHCP: detailed packet contents
>035292: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   src FE80::21D:A2FF:FE27:27A0
>035293: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   dst FF02::1:2 (Dialer1)
>035294: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   type SOLICIT(1), xid 10671592
>035295: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   option ELAPSED-TIME(8), len 2
>035296: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:     elapsed-time 65535
>035297: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   option CLIENTID(1), len 10
>035298: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:     00030001001DA22727A0
>035299: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   option RAPID-COMMIT(14), len 0
>035300: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   option ORO(6), len 6
>035301: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:     IA-PD,DNS-SERVERS,DOMAIN-LIST
>035302: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:   option IA-PD(25), len 12
>035303: Feb 28 21:39:16.739:     IAID 0x000E0001, T1 0, T2 0

I can see the packet is sourced from your IID correctly, can you get a PPP
debug (I.e debug PPP packet) from the CPE?


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