IPv6 PPP/RADIUS and PD on Redback SEOS 6.4.1

Florian Lohoff f at zz.de
Sun Feb 20 21:02:59 CET 2011


On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 06:48:58PM +0100, Arjan Van Der Oest wrote:
> As a first post, I'm wondering : is there anyone out there using a SmartEdge
> with 6.4.1 and PPPoE?

Telefonica Deutschland now Telefonica O2 does - although no IPv6 Deployment yet
and most likely heavily delayed because they are currently closeing the old
Telefonica Deutschland in Verl and most collegues have or will
leave the company.

> My carrier (KPN) delivers me xDSL circuits via a vlan (ATM to Ethernet for
> ADSL and Ethernet to Ethernet for VDSL and FTTx). I'll have to build a
> session via either CLIPS/DHCP or via PPP. Since SEOS doesn't support IPv6 on
> CLIPS yet, I'm forced to work with PPP/RADIUS. Assigning a Framed-IPv6-Prefix
> and Framed-IPv6-Route works on a Cisco CPE (with either the
> Framed-IPv6-Prefix on the PPP WAN interface or making the link unnumbered on
> vlan1 and assigning the prefix on that vlan).
> However, I should be able to use Prefix-Delegation using
> Delegated-IPv6-Prefix. The SE seems not to be responsing to the DHCPv6
> SOLICIT's I can see the Cisco sending out on the dialer interface. In fact: I
> don't see the SOLICITS showing up on the SE at all when I enable DHCPv6
> debugging on it.

I havent got access to the configuration in our lab anymore (Left last week)
so i can not check - my first guess would be incomplete admin acl
on the box. I remember fiddling with it a bit.

We had PPP with RS/RA and DHCP-PD running in the lab without much hassle.

If you still have problems contact me off list - i might make a contact.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f at zz.de
                 Professionell gesehen bin ich zu haben ....
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