yum IPv6 repos

Antonio Querubin tony at lavanauts.org
Tue Dec 27 17:43:23 CET 2011

On Tue, 27 Dec 2011, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

> Might it make more sense to just link the project's own list rather
> than duplicate the information and possibly let it get stale in two places?

I haven't found a yum-formatted mirrorlist for Scientific Linux so one 
will have to be generated anyway (the yum-conf RPM installed files show a 
commented out mirrorlist URI and those apparently don't work any more). 
But if there is a current yum mirrorlist somewhere it makes more sense to 
place it on a dual-stack server somewhere.

> FreeBSD has shipped releases and things from IPv6 enabled mirrors since
> May 2003 and there has been quite a bit of fluctuation in mirror sites in
> these 8+ years;-)

> If http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors-ftp.html
> is unhelpful I am sure we can also add a dedicated page listing only mirrors
> with v6.

For freebsd, it would also be good to get freshports.org dual-stacked.

Antonio Querubin
e-mail:  tony at lavanauts.org
xmpp:  antonioquerubin at gmail.com

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