draft-ietf-v6ops-3177bis-end-sites WGLC

Fred Baker fred at cisco.com
Sun Oct 24 20:00:46 CEST 2010

The IETF IPv6 Operations Working Group is initiating a two week working group last call of 

  "IPv6 Address Assignment to End Sites", Thomas Narten, Geoff Huston,
  Rosalea Roberts

In essence, this is a change to the advice that the IETF gave the RIRs in RFC 3177. We had indicated at that time that we believed that allocating a /48 to each end site was important, for various reasons. We at this point believe that a better model allows the LIR to allocate diffrent length prefixes to their customers in accordance with the network's needs.

If you find issues, such as disagreeing with a statement or finding additional issues that need to be addressed, please post your comments to v6ops at ietf.org.

We are looking specifically for comments on the importance of the document as well as its content. If you have read the document and believe it to be of operational utility, that is also an important comment to make. 

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