Mysterious missing DHCPv6 feature, was Re: How does one obtain an IPv6 DNS server when VPNing to an ASA?

sthaug at sthaug at
Mon May 17 08:44:30 CEST 2010

> > 	DHCP to hand out DNS servers, NTP servers on request, and do
> > 	dynamic update for the forward and reverse DNS maps.
> And the new feature you were looking for was to hand out a default-gw, 
> right? That's the "this" feature you were referring to and IETF didn't 
> want to do?

I'm glad to see such patches (I'm tempted to say "about time").

I would of course be even happier to see a *standardized* solution to
let DHCPv6 hand out a default gateway. The lack of such a feature (and
the strong religious opposition to it in certain circles), despite clear
statements from several big operators that they need it, is one of the
significant factors hampering IPv6 deployment.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at

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