On 6to4 gateway and recommended MTU setting

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Thu Mar 11 14:17:30 CET 2010

holger.zuleger at vodafone.com wrote:
>> The better question is actually: why bother with 6to4?
>> Yes, it is a nice quick deployment strategy, but for anything long term,
>> go native... (or at least native addresses using 6rd or something).
> But with 6rd you will end up in the same discussion.

No you won't, as 6rd is a *LOCAL* solution and all the infrastructure
involved is owned and operator by the ISP who runs it.

As such, you won't have any debugging issues as one controls all the
hops and there is no anycast pull on either IPv4 or IPv6.

This is also one of the many reasons that 6rd exists: the address space
routing is controlled by the entity that operates it (of course other
ISPs can do whatever they want with it, but not in the way that one can
with 6to4) just like their other native space.

Of course, one should always plan to move your customers to native IPv6
over time, but that is why they call it a transition mechanism.
(Think of the time where you can't get anymore IPv4 space to route that
IPv6 space with, also the MTU is lower than 1500 thus suboptimal,
especially combined with PPPOE and other tunnels which might lower it a
bit more in some cases).


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