Cisco 1801W, v6 on wireless, bvi argh.

Nick Hilliard nick at
Wed Aug 4 17:22:05 CEST 2010

On 04/08/2010 15:00, Daniel Suchy wrote:
> according to my observations, on C871, with versions up to 12.4(22)T,
> including maintenance releases, there's no problem with configuring IPv6
> on wirelesess interface. With 12.4(24)T, this is problem, probably
> someone removed (?!) support for IPv6...

Which brings up the issue: why was adding ipv6 support to BVIs so difficult 
in the first place?  I would love to know what tortured coding hacks were 
required to implement this, because sure as hell, if this were a relatively 
simple matter, Cisco would have implemented it long ago.


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