Fwd: Biggest mistake for IPv6: It's not backwards compatible, developers admit

Udo Steinegger udo at stueberl.de
Mon Mar 30 18:49:27 CEST 2009

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: Udo Steinegger <udo at stueberl.de>
> Datum: 30. März 2009 18:48:01 MESZ
> An: Fred Baker <fred at cisco.com>
> Betreff: Re: Biggest mistake for IPv6: It's not backwards  
> compatible, developers admit
> Am 30.03.2009 um 18:37 schrieb Fred Baker:
> Guys,
> all the arguments to this discussion are well and fine.
> But for the commercial non-ISP world, at least in old Europe, one of  
> the bigger Problems is to get
> the same level of provider independence in IPv6 (read: PI address  
> space), that they are used to in the IPv4 world.
> As long as this is not properly addressed, then people are very  
> reluctant to move towards IPv6 and stick with
> IPv4 until the last day.
> I know that this has to be discussed with other entities/bodies and  
> some folks do what they can to solve that issue,
> but in any case, I find that more important to solve rather than  
> discussing if we name the beast IPv6-"transition" or
> anything similar else.
> cheers
> Udo

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