Biggest mistake for IPv6: It's not backwards compatible, developers admit

Fred Baker fred at
Sat Mar 28 04:57:49 CET 2009

On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Steve Wilcox wrote:

> Also, none of them required a complete change end to end.. in v6 you  
> need to have user apps, user OS, access layer, backbone layer,  
> content all enabled .. its affects all components at most layers.

Also, in 1994, it was fairly common to run multiple protocols. Not in  
the ISPs, but in the more important 95% of the network, the part that  
wasn't "just transit". IPv4 was not even the dominant seat - IPX was.  
In 1995, the presumption was "so you do what we all do - IPv4, IPX,  
DECNET IV and V, Appletalk, and now IPv6".

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