finish my RFC before posting

Daniel Austin MBCS daniel at
Fri May 18 10:37:27 CEST 2007


Gert Doering wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 09:20:37AM +0100, Daniel Austin MBCS wrote:
>> If we want people to be encouraged to use IPv6, we have to work with 
>> them not against them.  Several smaller ISPs that we deal with are of 
>> the opinion that IPv6 isn't for them as they can't maintain their 
>> business models, stability and SLAs without the same kind of multihoming 
>> that they have currently.
> Smaller ISPs *really* should become LIRs - after all, this is the only (!)
> way to get independent address space that can be further distributed to
> end customers.  PI addresses are not meant to be used to number 
> "ISPs and their customers", but "the network holding the PI space".
> Which is not different from IPv4, btw...

Indeed.  They generally just use them for web/mail hosting though.  For 
colo servers etc, then they should become a LIR of course.


Daniel Austin MBCS
Managing Director Limited

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