routing issue between RIPE Meeting and Tiscali/Occaid

Alexander Koch koch at
Wed May 9 10:33:55 CEST 2007


On Wed, 9 May 2007 09:24:55 +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
> On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 10:20:59AM +0300, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
> > I already reported this yesterday to the NOC here. It seems the problem is a
> > different one, it seems to be in between EWN and ESTPAK. They told me that
> > they are already aware, but it seems that someone is not reacting :-(
> Estpak *does* have the network - I get it from Estpak (SpaceNet ->
> LambdaNet -> Estpak).  It's Tiscali not taking it from Estpak or LambdaNet.

you are so not funny. Next time post to NANOG, then do the
guessing, then approach me directly, in that order. Sheesh...

I *was* seeing 680 20965 1299 3249 12757 which is
a) shorter
b) flapping and now gone
c) has a 1299 leak in it, scary stuff

Also I do NOT see the route from
a) Lambdanet/13237
b) NTT/2914
c) Telia/1299
at all

Gert, you must be getting a full table from Lambdanet...

Estpak/3249 is at DECIX? I invite them to peer with me
for v6, will be set up within minutes. I just do not
f***ing see the route anywhere else.


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