IPv6 content experiment

Carlos Friacas cfriacas at fccn.pt
Mon Apr 9 11:42:00 CEST 2007

On Sun, 8 Apr 2007, Kevin Day wrote:

> Just a quick announcement that details of a new IPv6 experiment have been 
> posted at http://www.ipv6experiment.com
> As everyone's aware, there's the issue of not enough eyeballs to justify 
> content providers spending the time to deploy IPv6. End user ISPs won't do it 
> until there's content. Many say that there are ways (tunnel brokers, teredo, 
> etc) end users can get on IPv6, and the fact that they aren't using them 
> means it's up to the content providers to step forward. Either way, "lack of 
> demand" is cited by many for the biggest reason why they aren't deploying 
> IPv6. So, what if we put some desirable content up and made it available only 
> on IPv6 and gave those who accessed via IPv4 detailed instructions on how to 
> get on IPv6?
> How many are actually able to get on IPv6 if they want?
> What problems do they run into when trying?
> Is their connectivity over IPv6 worse than IPv4? (number of hops, packet 
> loss, overall transfer speeds, etc)
> How many users have IPv6 configured, but don't actually have a working IPv6 
> connection? (i.e. how many people do you lock out by publishing AAAA records 
> for your site?)
> (I'm being intentionally vague here about the details of the content, as not 
> to trip any email content filters. See the site for more details.)
> Before we begin with this experiment, I'd like to ask the community if there 
> are any other interesting metrics you'd like us to try to capture, what 
> methodologies you suggest we use, etc.
> If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly!
> -- Kevin

Hi again,

Now that i've followed the link...... imho, the type of content involved 
can possibly generate:
- (good) a great amount of data to be analized
- (bad) negative publicity for IPv6 by associating the next generation 
internet protocol to that *type of content*

It's a courageous experiment... hope there will be also the usual way of 
preventing access to certain types of audiences.

It also comes to mind that netnanny-type software can also become 
IPv6-aware following this experiment ;-)))

Best Regards,

Carlos Friac,as                                            See:
Wide Area Network Working Group (WAN)                      www.gigapix.pt
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional      www.ipv6.eu
Av. do Brasil, n.101                                       www.6diss.org
1700-066 Lisboa                                            www.geant2.net
Tel: +351 218440100 Fax: +351 218472167
  The end is near........ see http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4/index.html
  "Internet is just routes (216399/730), naming (billions) and... people!"

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