IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address used in DNS with AAAA-records

Thomas Schäfer thomas at cis.uni-muenchen.de
Fri Jul 28 10:04:52 CEST 2023


Thank you for answers so far.
Since the support case is public and you may interested in bad 
entertainment (today is SysAdminDay)

You can read it here:


My today's highlight is:

"We did this to drive down the cost with our DNS provider. Queries for 
AAAA records that didn't exist, followed by queries for A records, was 
costing us significantly and we needed to alleviate that."

Just one comment to the players there:

"new relic" is providing that service to Postbank/DeutscheBank (and 
probably more)

ns1, the service with high costs for none existing AAAA-Records, is a 
IBM company.

Big companies big mistakes....

Have a nice weekend!



There’s no place like ::1

Thomas Schäfer (Systemverwaltung)
Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung
Oettingenstraße 67 Raum C109
80538 München ☎ +49/89/2180-9706  ℻ +49/89/2180-9701

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