book6: Reviews and contributions requested

Brian E Carpenter brian.e.carpenter at
Sun Nov 20 23:37:02 CET 2022


We've made quite a bit of progress on the new on-line IPv6 book.

To remind you, the intention is a practical introduction to IPv6 for technical people, kept up to date by active practitioners.

You can start at or directly at .

The contributors so far have two requests to the community:

1. Please review what's already written. We want to make it better. What's wrong and what's missing? Comment by raising a GitHub issue or discussion, or even a PR. (Or even direct email.)

2. Please contribute by expanding one of the incomplete sections, or proposing a new section, or even a new chapter, as a PR. The book is flexible that way. See . You will be writing in the GitHub variant of markdown, with some referencing features borrowed from kramdown.

     Brian Carpenter

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