IPV6 Deployment in Mobile Network : Service Experience Is Not good

vanessa.achelengwa at orange.com vanessa.achelengwa at orange.com
Mon Jan 25 14:11:32 CET 2021

Hello ,

Happy new year,

Orange Cameroon is currently in the project of deploying IPV6 in the mobile network for the userplane. As we have two redundant core networks we have done the activation phase for one and we are currently testing. The testing is not successful as service is experiencing high latency and is sporadic (works sometimes and other times it does not work). We will like your advice on this.

What has been done so far :

-          License loading in the EPC Core for dual stack features, interface configuration, test APN configuration, IPV6 Pool configuration

-          Interface configuration, routing configuration and NAT64 Configuration on MPBN SW/FW

-          Activation of IPV6 on public firewalls and core routers and DNS64 on Orange resolvers

Problem Description :

New implementation of IPV6 in our mobile network. We are in the testing phase which so far is proving unsuccessful. We have configured the interfaces, routing in OSPF/BGP of IP Pools plus NAT64 for DNS resolutions.  Sometimes during a browsing test no security flow sessions detectable on firewalls When browsing succeeds the latency is very high such that service quality is very bad. We will appreciate a troubleshooting session to see if all is OK at the level of Juniper switch and firewalls. We will appreciate a troubleshooting session so you can advice on what can be done in this case

Test Device : Samsung Galaxy S9+ with Android OS 10

Our inquiries :

-          Has issue been faced before with operators having deployed IPV6 in their mobile network

-          what actions did they do to ameliorate service experience

-          Could this issue it be at the network level or device level

We will greatly appreciate your point of view

Best Regards

Achelengwa Vanessa Mushie
DRS / DIDR / CS & PS Core Network Engineering Team
+237 699 94 87 53
vanessa.achelengwa at orange.com<mailto:vanessa.achelengwa at orange.com>


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