T-Mobile DE IPv6-only APN

Dominik Bay db at rrbone.net
Sat Feb 1 14:02:32 CET 2020

On 2/1/20 1:55 PM, Thomas Schäfer wrote:
> Am 31.01.20 um 19:18 schrieb Kristian McColm:
>> I'll do some research over the next dasy why Quectel 4G modems in 
>> Teltonika routers won't do IPv6 at all.
> At least the QUECTELEC25-E works well with Telekom dualstack, Vodafone 
> dualstack and Telekom ipv6-only.
> Here are some log files tested with Vodafone.
> http://www.thomas--schaefer.de/vodafone/ec25.txt

Thanks Thomas. Teltonika is exposing IPv6 in the web interface but this 
doesn't change anything even on the newest RUT X11. They are also using 
some binary to control the modem from the Quectel SDK. When being asked 
about it I couldn't get an answer from Teltonika what's the status on 
IPv6 is.

I'll see if I can poke around in their OpenWRT base system to get it 
working anyway.


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