SixXS shutting down 2017-06-06

Jeroen Massar jeroen at
Thu Mar 23 18:39:42 CET 2017

On 2017-03-23 18:28, David Farmer wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 10:46 AM, Brian E Carpenter
> <brian.e.carpenter at <mailto:brian.e.carpenter at>> wrote
>     One detail not mentioned in the /sunset page. Will you leave the
>     ULA tool and registry in place (
>     <>) ?
>     I believe some people like that.
>        Brian
> I'd be interested in some data on the use of the ULA tool and registry,
> I'd especially be interested in use over time.  Is use of the ULA
> registry increasing or decreasing over the last few years?

That is an easy question to answer:

$ SELECT YEAR(ula_date) AS Year, COUNT(*) AS Count FROM grh_ulas GROUP
BY YEAR(ula_date);
| Year | Count |
| 2007 |    63 |
| 2008 |   140 |
| 2009 |   321 |
| 2010 |   611 |
| 2011 |   835 |
| 2012 |   742 |
| 2013 |   724 |
| 2014 |  1096 |
| 2015 |  1303 |
| 2016 |   640 |
| 2017 |   143 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I would say that it is going down if we look at that count ;)

> Basically,
> is there an argument for further or new work within the IPv6 community
> on this front?

>From my POV not really. It is extremely simple to get a prefix from one
of the RIRs. Yes, it costs some money, which is something that should be
addressed IMHO. (routing gear etc costs money too though).

Also, more importantly, ULA is random per definition, and the chance of
collisions is extremely low. (unless one does not use randomness).

> Or, should this service just be sustained as-is, maybe
> finding a new home or new support over the long-term?  Or, should this
> service also be sunset, maybe not on the same timeframe as the other
> SixXS services?
> Personally, if anything, I like to see some new work here, but I'd like
> to drive what that is or should be with some data. 

Like with many things, I first would ask: what are the

> Finally, many thanks to SixXS for their years of service to the IPv6
> community!  And, kudos for planning an orderly sunset, rather than
> decaying into oblivion.   

We have been warning people since December 2015. Hopefully since then
they actually called their ISP or changed to ones that support IPv6.


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