SV: CPE Residential IPv6 Security Poll

Thomas Schäfer thomas at
Wed Sep 21 15:48:36 CEST 2016

Am 21.09.2016 um 14:58 schrieb Jeroen Massar:
> The major mistake that ISPs are making here btw is marketing:
>   they are not informing their users

I am not sure about this advice.

(I read the forum from vodafone, telekom and unitymedia in Germany daily)

One similar example: VOIP

The Deutsche Telekom has clearly stated what she planned - a complete 
ip-infrastructure without ISDN, with marketing and so on...

What was the reaction? The people and also some journalist are against 
VOIP. They found 1000 reasons why. Only the Telekom was blamed.

But - Kabel Deutschland (now Vodafone) and other ISPs did the same 
without public trouble.

Apropos VOIP and Deutsche Telekom, my router phones still via ipv4, 
while Liberty Global (Unitymedia) routers use partly IPv6.

Thomas Schäfer


There’s no place like ::1

Thomas Schäfer (Systemverwaltung)
Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung
Oettingenstraße 67 Raum C109
80538 München ☎ +49/89/2180-9706  ℻ +49/89/2180-9701

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