Netflix hates IPv6

Robert Hosford rhosford at
Sun Jun 12 22:46:04 CEST 2016


First time caller long time listener. :)

Starting on Jun 1st none of my computers would work with Netflix. After eliminating all of the usual suspects, Silverlight, Antivirus, and Windows, I contacted the support at tech support at Netflix. My account shows my IPv6 phones working fine from the 1st but my computers are not connecting.

After burning through three techs I got know that knew something. 

I got this pearl of wisdom.

Netflix Marty
And you are getting the VPN/proxy error because connecting through IPv6 can hide information from the Netflix server that is required to stream, so that's why it appears that way, but no problem, all you have to do is contact your internet service provider and change the connection to an IPv4 connection and you'll be good to go.

And that is a win. 
Stop using IPv6 and you win play again.

I thought someone might find my experience hilarious.

Unless you use HE like I do. Nice Job Netflix.....


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