Why do we still need IPv4 when we are migrating to IPv6...

Ole Troan ot at cisco.com
Sat Feb 14 20:36:37 CET 2015

> A few things, 1) interest payments presupposes that one loans money to buy addresses, 2) as long as 40% of all traffic is still IPv4 for DS enabled customer, we need a fairly sizable CGN/AFTR setup.
> From our perspective, doing investments on CGN/AFTR technology now can almost be comparable with buying address, as we must consider deprecation on the equipment anyways. If we can wait a bit longer and the IPv4 traffic lowers to for example 10% and then do the CGN /AFTER investment, it would possibly be cheaper and possibly be done with equipment we already have. I guess seen from a pure economics perspective it does not make much difference, but at least we can uphold the native IPv4 until the majority of ISP's and content providers are fully Dual-Stacked.
> So it is not just money that drives our service, quality and availability is also important factors.

if I were building a new network today, I would make it IPv6 only, with IPv4 as a service on top.
with A+P variants like MAP, that function can be enabled on existing peering routers or PEs.

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