Google no longer returning AAAA records?

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Fri Apr 17 13:20:39 CEST 2015

On 17/04/15 07:24, Lorenzo Colitti wrote:
> Often operators will contact us and claim there is no problem in the
> network, and most of the time it turns out that there was a problem they
> didn't know about

I think it's the "know about" that's the problem. From experience, it 
can be both baffling and frustrating. We sort of had to do a binary 
search through guessed-at sets of networks before we found our 
troublesome ones.

Does anyone know of tooling that last-mile providers can run, that can 
detect this kind of v4/v6 differential breakage, e.g. by correlating 
DNS/netflow or some other speculative mechanism? Presumably evil HTTP 
injection isn't going to work as TLS becomes more widespread.

I might have asked this before, so forgive the repetition if so: have 
Google considered making more detail available to operators of the 
triggering events? I expect the answer is no, and I totally understand 
the reasons - the data protection implications alone are tough - but 
it's worth asking ;o)

Is it the case that "happy eyeballs" does not cover up these problems 
sufficiently, justifying additional server-side measures? Or something 
else I haven't considered?


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