Google IPv6 measurements in Europe appear heading down...

Erik Nygren erik at
Thu Oct 23 22:27:02 CEST 2014

Not seeing this in the Akamai data.  See for Germany and Belgium.

Longer-term data at a lower frequency for Belgium
(from slightly different filtering so some data may not line up exactly):

2013-12-11     5.4
2014-01-08     5.3
2014-02-12   11.2
2014-02-26   17.4
2014-03-12   19.6
2014-04-16   20.7
2014-05-14   23.6
2014-05-28   24.4
2014-06-04   25.1
2014-06-11   26.1
2014-07-09   27.3
2014-07-16   26.0
2014-08-13   28.1
2014-08-27   28.1
2014-08-28   28.1
2014-09-10   26.7
2014-09-24   27.4
2014-10-08   27.8
2014-10-15   28.1

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Eric Vyncke (evyncke) <evyncke at>

>  With the link, it is probably better… still need some caffein
>   From: Eric Vyncke <evyncke at>
> Date: jeudi 23 octobre 2014 09:38
> To: "ipv6-ops at" <ipv6-ops at>
> Subject: Google IPv6 measurements in Europe appear heading down...
>   For a couple of weeks, it seems that Google IPv6 measurements are
> heading down mainly for Europe. For example, here is a link to a
> presentation of the Google measurements for several European countries and
> USA. There is a clear drop in the last days/weeks for European countries
> but not for USA.
>  This includes a big drop for my country (BE) :-O and I have checked with
> all Belgian ISP and they have no explanation as for them 'business as
> usual'. Apnic also does not show such a big drop.
>  So, I am guessing either a 'bug' in Google measurements infrastructure
> in Europe or could it be that the IPv6 latency to Google has increased a
> lot so that Happy Eyeball prefers IPv4? Recent measurement of dual-stack
> latency to from several Belgian ISP gave 10% slower over
> IPv6.
>  Any clue will be welcome
>  -éric
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