ipv6 network fail (newbie alert)
Nick Edwards
nick.z.edwards at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 00:56:18 CET 2013
Hey.. thanks VERY much for your help (and education) now we have
sorted out the LAN, the GW box must have issues, because swapping the
GW and client machines around it is working !@!!!
So the GW problem is related to the OS, once swapped to the slackware
3.8.2 kernel as GW I can get out and get to it.
so problem was combination of operator (isnt it always) and a crook OS
which in about 20 minutes (after my coffee) will be formatted and
updated to current version.
Could never have sorted this without help from you guys, thanks so much.
You've taught me a few lessons, especially in one respect to double
check and dont assume with firewalls that you flushed it, it really
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